Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Mercy and Justice

Someone once said that as humans we want mercy for ourselves and justice for all those who have wronged us.

Remember the story of the debtor and how he sought and found mercy then turned around and had someone who owed him money thrown into prison?

That is certainly a wrong use of the word justice. In that story justice was more like revenge.

I like to remind myself that when we say the pledge of allegiance we ask for liberty and justice for all.  Justice here means fairness, equal opportunity.

It would be absolutely right to say that God is merciful and just! His work and glory is to bring us home, meaning our experience on earth will have "fit us for heaven to live with [him] there."

To me, mercy represents God's great compassion for us, his loving-kindness,  knowing we all make so many mistakes. Justice represents His fairness to all of us best portrayed in 2nd Nephi 26:33

"He invited them ALL to come unto him and partake of his goodness and he denieth none that come unto him." 

God's heart is huge. His love for us is immense. Every human being is His child. He has done and will continue to do everything He can possibly do to help each of us fulfill our define potential. And He will never stop doing that until each of us who desires to be with Him has "come home."

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