Saturday, October 24, 2020

MAN - Mankind - Humans - People

We humans are the offspring of God. You certainly wouldn't know it if you watch the news.

"Now we have a world where people are confused.
If you don't believe it, go and watch the news." Primary Songbook Follow the Prophet verse 9

It has ever been so. Looking at an article called "List of Wars by Death Toll", I was sickened to see the numbers. Just to name a few:

Conquest of Cyrus the Great - 100,000
Punic wars - Roman empire vs Carthaginian - 1,520,691
Gallic wars - Roman empire vs France - 1 million
Roman vs Jews 66 to 136 BC - 1,900,000
Three Kingdoms War - China - 38 million
Spanish and Portuguese vs Muslim states 711 to 1492 - 7 million
Mongol conquest - 34,600,000
Spanish conquest of Aztecs  -24,300,000
Spanish conquest of Incas - 8,400,000
Protestants vs. Catholics in France - 2,800,000
Ming to Qing dynasty - 25 million
Thirty Year War Europe - 5,893,670
Napoleonic Wars - 5 million
Tai Ping Rebellion China 4,4700,000
World war I - 23,568,559
World war II - 69,069,811
Korean war - 3 million
Vietnam - 1,743,000

And those are just a few! It is nauseating.

Then we add all the other heartbreaks - murder, theft, arson, rape, trafficking, slavery, etc. No wonder the early church chose to say that man is by nature sinful and unclean. His track record would seem to indicate it is so.

But restoration truce teaches otherwise. In the book of Moses it is recorded that children "are whole from the foundation of the world."

It then goes on to say we are born into a world filled with sin "even so when they begin to grow up, send conceive it in their hearts... "

Here on earth we taste the bitter that we may learn to prize the good. That is why we are here. And we are very good at creating those bitter fruits.  All I can say is that we need a Savior. I cannot imagine how He can bring healing to all those wounds. I cannot see how all these horrors of life could ever be turn to our good. I cannot fathom how hearts turned so bitter could be made to love again.

I can only join the God of Heaven who said "Wherefore should not the heavens weep, seeing the shall suffer." And I trust the Lord's promise that the gospel and the healing power of the Savior will eventually reach each of his children. We need him.

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